Сценарий праздника «Thanksgiving Day» для 7-8 классовЦели:• Познакомить учащихся с национальным праздником США, расширить их знания о культуре и традициях страны изучаемого языка.• Вовлечь учащихся во внеурочную деятельность на английском языке (подготовка, репетиции и само мероприятие).
• Акцентировать внимание учащихся на таких человеческих ценностях как семья, семейные традиции, благодарность.
Мероприятие проводится в кабинете английского языка или в небольшом помещении, чтобы создать камерную атмосферу. В качестве зрителей приглашаются учащиеся 7-8 классов, которые не задействованы в сценарии. Так как места ограничены, можно написать пригласительные билеты и раздать желающим.Оформление: • Рисунки и плакаты по теме «I am thankful for …» (Можно провести предварительный конкурс в 5-6 классах)• Таблички со словами на доске и на стенах с переводом (чтобы снять языковые трудности): The Thanksgiving Day –День БлагодаренияThe Pilgrims ПилигримыFeast — пирReligious freedom — религиозная свободаReligious persecution — религиозное преследованиеHarsh winter – суровая зимаHarvest – урожайCrops — посевыFaith — вераPrayer – молитваPray — молитьсяSurvive – выживатьCelebrate — праздноватьSettle — поселятьсяIndians — индейцыCorn — кукурузаTurkey — индейкаPlymouth — ПлимутNew England – Новая АнглияGratitude — благодарностьRough sea – бурное море
The Atlantic Ocean – Атлантический океан
Мероприятие проводится только на английском языке.На сцене за столом сидит ведущий выпуска новостей.
На интерактивном экране идёт заставка выпуска новостей канала CNN.
Ведущий выпуска новостей: Today is the 4th Thursday in November. The Thanksgiving Day. It is a national holiday celebrated throughout the United States. People give thanks for the many good things in their lives. On Thanksgiving Day, families come together for a special dinner . Stores, classrooms, and homes are decorated with turkeys, pilgrims, Indians, wreaths of dried flowers and vegetables.. Charitable organizations serve dinner to poor people. They also send baskets of food to elderly and sick. And now we watch the video about the history of Thanksgiving Day. Видео сюжет на интерактивном экране.(Выбрать подходящий видеоролик в интернете)Ведущий выпуска новостей: We are having a guest in our studio, Professor of History, Mr Thomas Glick from the Boston University. Good afternoon, Mr Glick. It’s very nice to see you. Today is one of the most important holidays of our country, the Thanksgiving Day. Will you tell us about its history.Professor: Sure. With pleasure.Ведущий выпуска новостей: Who were the Pilgrims? Professor: The Pilgrims were the Englishmen who ran away from religious persecution in England because they separated from the English church. In 1620 they emigrated to America. Ведущий выпуска новостей: Why did they go to America?Professor: They went to the New World to find religious freedom as they separated from the English church and were persecuted in England.Ведущий выпуска новостей: Where did they settle in America?Professor: They established Plymouth Colony, the first English settlement in America. Now this place is a big city, called Plymouth in the state of Massachusetts. Ведущий выпуска новостей: Why did many of them die in the first year?Professor: The pilgrims’ first winter in the New World was very difficult. They arrived too late to grow crops. So they didn’t have enough food. Besides it was very cold and they got ill but didn’t have any medicines and half of them died. Ведущий выпуска новостей: Why is this holiday so important for people in America?Professor: Thanksgiving day is a great day for all Americans as it involves family and friends all coming together and enjoying the great tradition of thanksgiving. It is the best time to remember the past year and to be thankful for what they have got.Ведущий выпуска новостей: Thank you very much. Happy Thanksgiving to you , Mr Glick.Professor: Thank you for having me.
Рекламный ролик на английском языке.
The 3rd Pilgrims: We have nothing to eat. Many people have died and many are sick. What shall we do? (Появляются индейцы с корзинками еды). The 1st Indian: Hello! We have brought food to you: bread, vegetables, fruit, corn, and other things. The 3rd Pilgrim: Oh! Thank you very much! You have saved our lives! We’ll never forget you! Story-teller: Spring came. Indians taught the Pilgrims to plant corn, to build houses, to hunt, to fish. In other words — how to survive in America.(Индейцы показывают пилигримам, как выращивать кукурузу, строить дома, ловить рыбу, охотиться). The 2nd Indian: We’ll teach you how to plant corn, build houses, hunt and fish. Our land is very rich. The 4th Pilgrim: Thanks! We’ll pray for you! We’ll be good pupils. Story-teller: The crops did well, and in the autumn of 1621 the Pilgrims had a great harvest. They were very thankful and decided to celebrate with a feast. The Pilgrims invited the Indian friends to share this Thanksgiving feast.The 2nd Pilgrim: Welcome to our Thanksgiving feast! We are grateful to you for many things. But the main is: you helped us when we suffered greatly. And we’ll never forget those days! (Индейцы и пилигримы садятся за праздничный стол. На столе: индейка (муляж), клюква, фрукты, кукуруза, пирог и др. Вождь индейцев произносит здравицу в честь пилигримов). The Indian Leader: (поднимает кубок)Heap high the board with plenteous cheer,And gather to the feast,And toast the sturdy Pilgrim bandWhose courage never ceased. Запись аплодисментов.
(Ставьте на столы обильное угощение и собирайтесь на праздник, Поднимем тост за стойких пилигримов, чьё мужество никогда не иссякнет).
Снова идёт заставка выпуска новостей CNNВедущий выпуска новостей: Today is the 4th Thursday in November. And the United States are celebrating the Thanksgiving Day. Many families are having a festive meal now. They remember the pilgrims who had very hard life during their first year and who started the life of a new country, the United States of America.Накрытый праздничный стол. За столом вся семья. Они представляются. Рассказывают, как отмечают этот праздник.John Chapman: Hello! I’m John Chapman and this is my family: my wife Mary, my son Jim and my daughter Susie, my nephews Colin and Tom. We are celebrating the Thanksgiving Day now.Mary: Yes, we are having a festive meal now. You can see a baked turkey with mashed potatoes, cranberries and pumpkin pie and apple cider on the table.Jim: I like apple cider very much!Colin: And my favourite is a baked turkey.Susie: Everything is very tasty.Tom: Yes, it’s delicious.Colin: I and my brother usually come to uncle John and aunt Mary on the Thanksgiving Day because our parents live in Africa now. And here we feel we have a family. John Chapman: On this special day it’s important to be with your family. We have a good time together, we talk, joke and laugh.Susie: And we tell stories and sing songs.Jim: And we pray for the pilgrims and give our thanks to God.Mary: Yes, we pray and thank God for our lives and all things we have. We must remember and be grateful for everything the Pilgrims did for us.
Happy Thanksgiving Day for you!
Ведущий выпуска новостей: We are celebrating a wonderful holiday today. -Thanksgiving Day. Happy Thanksgiving Day to you! Звучит музыка. Можно использовать караоке песни, связанной с этим праздником.Далее зрители и участники получают небольшое задание, где они должны выбрать правильные ответы. За успешное выполнение заданий участников можно поощрить хорошими оценками.Quiz1. The pilgrims came to America in 1620 / 1622.2. They went to the New World to find gold / religious freedom.3. The ship they were sailing on was called Mayflower /Snowcastle.4. There were 100/102 people on the ship.5. The first year in America was easy / hard.6. During the first winter a lot of pilgrims died / went away.7. Indians helped the pilgrims to grow corn / tomatoes.8. Now the Americans celebrate this holiday on the 4th Tuesday / Thursday of November.9. The traditional food on this holiday is a baked fish / turkey.10. The family gets together at the table and prays / watches TV.11. People give their thanks to the President / God.Закончить мероприятие можно чаепитием и поеданием пирога и других блюд, приготовленных для инсценировок.
В конце обязательно поблагодарить друг друга за интересное и необычное мероприятие.